Blend Spotlight: Serenity

doTERRA Serenity Restful Blend combines a select group of powerful, CPTG® essential oils to help calm and relax when stressful feelings arise. With so many high-stress moments and situations all around, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and tense. The doTERRA Serenity Restful Blend can be used aromatically and topically to promote relaxation, encourage calm emotions, and lessen feelings of tension. doTERRA Serenity is an ideal essential oil to have around both day and night as it can aid in reducing everyday stresses and promote a relaxing night’s sleep. This blend contains essential oils such as Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, and Roman Chamomile, which give it its soothing scent, while Hawaiian Sandalwood and Vanilla Bean offer a warm aroma. When used in a diffuser, this blend will help calm and renew with its sweet fragrance.

When you start to feel the stress of life weigh on you, take time to stop and smell some doTERRA Serenity. doTERRA Serenity essential oil blend can create a perfect escape from intense emotions with its calming and renewing fragrance. Next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, diffuse Serenity.

  1. Getting a good night’s sleep can sometimes be a challenge. If constant thoughts are keeping you awake at night or you are having difficulty calming a restless child for bedtime, apply doTERRA Serenity to the bottoms of your or your child’s feet to help wind down before going to sleep and to promote relaxation. doTERRA Serenity can also be diffused to encourage a restful sleeping environment.

  2. Enrich your environment with the sweet and warm smells of doTERRA Serenity by diffusing this essential oil blend. Simply add three to four drops of doTERRA Serenity into the diffuser of your choice and diffuse. This blend is ideal for relaxation and will fill the room with its subtle, calming aroma.

  3. doTERRA Serenity essential oil blend helps lessen feelings of tension and calm emotions. When you feel tension and stress levels rising, use doTERRA Serenity aromatically or topically to keep your emotions feeling calm and relaxed.

  4. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath with the doTERRA Serenity essential oil blend. Fill your bath with water at a temperature you prefer and add two to three drops of doTERRA Serenity along with Epsom salts. This will create a peaceful and renewing aroma that will help melt away tight emotions.

  5. After a long day of work or various to-do’s, take time to destress and unwind. Start by adding doTERRA Serenity to the diffuser of your choice and diffuse. Once you’ve begun to diffuse, find a comfortable position on a chair or couch and close your eyes. Empty your mind of the tasks of the day and allow your thoughts to clear. Diffusing doTERRA Serenity during moments like this will help promote relaxation and decrease stress.

  6. Enjoy the benefits of doTERRA Serenity wherever you go with DIY Aromatherapy Jewelry. This jewelry is made from natural clay that easily absorbs essential oils. Once you have made and personalized your Aromatherapy Jewelry, add a drop of doTERRA Serenity to your clay pendant. The doTERRA Serenity will help reduce anxious feelings throughout the day.

  7. Sometimes getting the extended family together can be a party, and other times…not so much. If tension is starting to rise during your family get-togethers, try adding a little doTERRA Serenity. Diffusing doTERRA Serenity will help diffuse tension when it may be running high.

I also have private specials going on all month long. Feel free to send me an email for more info. Or if you are ready to get started, head to my doTERRA website.


Oil Spotlight: Sandalwood


Oil Spotlight: Grapefruit