Oil Support: Teenage Years Edition
Oh, the teenage years. I remember them well.
I wish I had some of these options we are going to go over today and I am sure my parents do too!
✅ Clary Calm (Monthly Blend for Women) is a must for any female in middle and high school. Use this blend to smooth out emotions during a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle as well as to ease any abdominal discomfort.
✅ Another great product to have on hand is the HD Clear line as so many young women may struggle with problem skin at an early age.
Instead of a teenage girl, you may have a teenage boy(s) or you might even have both! So it’s only fair to share some tips for the young man in your life.
Is there a stinky gym bag hanging out in your laundry room? Maybe some strange odors coming out of those sneakers in the hallway. 👉 Add a few drops of Purify to a cotton ball and drop in sneakers or the gym bag. Let sit a few hours or overnight.
✅ For more stubborn stenches:
Add ½ cup rubbing alcohol along with 20 drops each of Tea Tree, Cypress, and Lemon oil to a spray bottle, shake and spray down your items.
How do you combat nasty odor in your home naturally?
Do you have any other tips for teens? I’m sure we can all take any advice there is!