Making Time for Meditation

I did something this morning that I haven’t done in months. I took the time to meditate!

Do you meditate?

I’ll be honest, I have the hardest time meditating. I struggle with quieting my mind and not thinking about all the other things I should be doing. But I also understand the benefits of meditation, so it’s always been on my to-do list for when I have “more” time..

Medication Benefits:

  • Reducing stress

  • Promoting emotional health

  • Enhancing self-awareness

    When doTERRA announced the new Adaptive app yesterday, I took it as a sign that it was time for me to finally start. And guess what, I survived! My mind wandered some, but at the end I felt good. I’m looking forward to making this a new habit, especially now that I don’t have any excuses.

Let me know if you’d like to learn more about this app. And be sure to try the 7 day free trial.

Also dōTERRA is offering free 90-day premium access to first responders, medical personnel, and those who have lost their jobs to the pandemic. So generous!

Have a great week friends!


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