Discover: doTERRA’s Wellness Programs

Say hello to health made simple and easy.

The Wellness Programs are a simple, almost effortless way for you to target a specific health goal and get the exact products you need for what you want to achieve. The hassle of figuring out which essential oils and products to use has been removed! There’s no need to repeat the same pattern of scrambling to put together the perfect oil regimen yourself when you can just sign up for a Wellness Program!

Plus, each kit comes in an environmentally friendly reusable and recycled bag!

There are three kits each for all three programs:

Immunity—Protect, strengthen, and respond.

Relief—Comfort, support, and soothe.

Mind & Mood—Balance, restore, and adapt.

Want to try it out but unsure which one’s for you? Not to worry —there are no commitments, you can cancel at any time! And keep scrolling for more info…

Let’s start with Immunity!


Immunity Kit 1

Let’s jump into the first Immunity Kit. The products inside were carefully selected to support and strengthen your immune system, keep your environment clean, and protect your home. The best part about this is that you don’t need to worry about picking the “right” products because we’ve had leading essential oil experts do it for you!

We all know doTERRA essential oils and essential oil–infused products are designed to support health and wellness from the inside out. And there’s so many ways to use them! Whether you take the products internally, apply them on the outside of your body, or put them to work around your home, countless benefits come from using natural products daily.

In fact, using your products daily is the most effective way to maximize your benefits! Plus, they’re easy and hassle-free. Here are some ways you can use each of the products in your kit.

doTERRA On Guard®

  • Place one to two drops in the corners of your shower before cleaning yourself in the morning.

  • Add to apples or a smoothie for a midday snack.

  • Put one drop, along with your favorite citrus oils, in a glass water bottle and drink throughout the day.

  • Add to a DIY all-purpose cleaner and use to clean surfaces throughout your home.

  • End your day by diffusing three to four drops for clean and fresh aroma.

  • Rub three to four drops with Fractionated Coconut Oil on your feet as part of your bedtime routine.

doTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist

  • Use to clean your hands after taking public transportation.

  • Place in your gym bag, purse, or backpack to have on hand.

  • At the grocery store, spray on your hands after you touch the handle of your cart or basket.

  • Place in your children’s backpacks or lunchboxes so they can clean their hands at school.

doTERRA On Guard Foaming Hand Wash

  • Use to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water.

  • Keep in your bathroom and kitchen for an effective hand wash that doesn’t dry out your skin.

  • Place in your kitchen to use as part of a cleansing rinse for fresh fruits and vegetables.


  • Diffuse three to four drops throughout your home and office, cleansing the surrounding environment.

  • Put one to three drops on a cotton ball and place in the bottom of your gym bag or trash can to address any stubborn odors.

  • Mix 10–15 drops with half a cup of baking soda to make your own shoe powder.

  • Add three to five drops to your laundry detergent to increase its cleansing power.

  • Add several drops to a spray bottle with water or white vinegar for a natural and powerful all-purpose cleanser.

  • Diffuse in your kitchen to clear out any unwelcome odors after cooking.

Wild Orange

  • Put one to two drops in a glass of water to promote overall health.*

  • Add up to 10 drops to doTERRA On Guard Cleaner Concentrate to create a natural all-purpose cleaning spray that can cleanse surfaces in your home.

  • Diffuse throughout the day for an uplifting and energizing aroma.

  • Add a few drops to a smoothie or yogurt for a delicious twist in flavor, as well as internal health benefits.*

doTERRA On Guard Toothpaste and Floss

  • Use both morning and night to clean your mouth and teeth.

Immunity Kit 2

Congratulations on continuing your wellness journey! By now, you’ll have noticed some differences from using essential oils and related products every day. This second kit will build on those benefits you’ve experienced already and take things to the next level.

You already know how effective and easy it is to use your products every day, so adding in the new items in this kit will be a breeze! Here are some suggestions for using each of the products in your second Immunity Kit.

doTERRA On Guard Softgels

  • Take one softgel with your breakfast to promote healthy immune system function throughout the day.

doTERRA On Guard Beadlets

  • Take one to two beadlets at lunch—or throughout the day as needed—to support your immune system and freshen your breath.

  • Place in your gym bag, purse, or backpack to have on hand.

doTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist

  • Use to clean your hands after using public transportation.

  • Place in your gym bag, purse, or backpack to have on hand.

  • At the grocery store, spray on your hands after you touch the handle of your cart or basket.

  • Place in your children’s backpacks or lunchboxes so they can use it to clean hands at school.


  • Place 10–20 drops in a reed diffuser on your desk or in the bathroom for a fresh aroma.

  • Put one to two drops in a glass of water for a gentle internal cleanse, complementing healthy inflammation response.*

  • Mix up to 10 drops with water and vinegar for a DIY cleanser to wipe down kitchen and bathroom surfaces before bed.

  • Add to a smoothie, yogurt, or salad dressing for a delicious flavor and internal health benefits.*

Tea Tree

  • Gargle one drop with water as part of your oral hygiene regimen, making sure not to swallow the mixture.

  • Add one to two drops to your facial cleanser to cleanse and refresh your skin.

  • Add one to two drops to your shampoo.

  • Add two to three drops to your diffuser with doTERRA On Guard for a warm and refreshing aroma.

  • Add one drop to your toothbrush with your toothpaste.

doTERRA On Guard Mouth Wash

  • Use after meals to help freshen your breath.

  • Include as part of your morning and night routine after brushing with doTERRA On Guard Whitening Toothpaste.

Tongue Scraper

  • Use as part of your oral hygiene routine to help your mouth feel fresh and clean.

Immunity Kit 3

Welcome to the final month of the Immunity Wellness Program! You’ve now incorporated new products into your routine, and we have a few more special ones just for you. These products are designed to support your immune system, keep your environment clean, and protect your home.

Ready to start using your new products? Here are some hassle-free ways to use each of the items in your third Immunity Kit.

doTERRA Breathe®

  • Diffuse three to four drops as needed for feelings of clear airways.

  • Apply two to three drops to your chest before exercising.

  • Diffuse three to four drops as part of your bedtime routine.

doTERRA On Guard Touch

  • Apply to cleanse your skin or minimize effects of seasonal threats.

  • Roll on the bottoms of your feet before bed.

  • Roll onto the spine and back of the neck.

  • Conveniently pre-diluted, it is safe and easy to use with children.

doTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist

  • Use to clean your hands after using public transportation.

  • Place in your gym bag, purse, or backpack to have on hand.

  • At the grocery store, spray on your hands after you touch the handle of your cart or basket.

  • Place in your children’s backpacks or lunchboxes so they can use it to clean hands at school.

Frankincense Touch

  • Roll on dry skin spots as you get ready for the day.

  • Massage on the back of your neck for an effective boost during work.

  • Roll on the bottoms of your feet—along with doTERRA On Guard Touch and Oregano—and cover with socks as part of your nighttime routine.

  • Apply along your spine and the back of the neck.


  • Take one drop internally in a Veggie Cap for immune and respiratory support.*

  • For power-packed immune support, take one drop in a Veggie Cap with one drop of doTERRA On Guard and two drops of Grapefruit.*

  • Dilute one drop with Fractionated Coconut Oil and rub on tired muscles as part of a warming massage.

  • Apply a drop to your chest with carrier oil and doTERRA On Guard Touch, especially when seasonal threats are high.


  • Apply to soothe occasional skin irritations.

  • Use with children or adults who have sensitive skin for a mild protective aroma.

  • Roll on your hands, knees, and feet after an eventful day on the playground to soothe skin irritations.

  • Apply to your spine and bottoms of the feet before bed.

  • Place in your children’s backpacks or lunchboxes so they can use it at school.

doTERRA On Guard Wipes

  • Use for a convenient way to clean hands on the go.

Sanitizing Mist Holder

  • Keep your doTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist conveniently close with this neoprene cover.

Next, let’s talk about Relief!


Relief Kit 1

Ready to dive into your first Relief kit? These products deliver targeted comfort and relief so you can give your muscles and joints support as you push yourself to grow stronger and healthier!* The best part is that you don’t have to pick the “right” products to get the job done because we’ve had leading essential oil experts do it for you.

And there are so many ways to use these products! Whether you take these internally, apply them on the outside of your body, or put them to work around your home, countless benefits come from using natural products daily.

Just like most things in life, consistency is key, and using your products daily is the most effective way to maximize your benefits. We’ve put together some suggestions for you about how and when to use these products so that, as you work with your collection over the next 90 days, you give your body the support it needs.

Deep Blue® Soothing Blend

  • Apply to your muscles and joints before physical activity.

  • Apply one to two drops to your lower back for a soothing sensation throughout the workday.

  • Have a friend or family member use an AromaTouch Technique® with Deep Blue when your hands are feeling stiff.
    Note: Make sure to wash hands and avoid touching sensitive areas such as the eyes and nose following the technique.

Deep Blue Rub Samples:

  • Keep in your gym bag, backpack, and purse to have on hand when needed.

  • Apply to tired muscles and joints at the end of a long day.

  • Massage your feet after a busy workday. Add one to two drops of Deep Blue oil blend for an extra boost.

  • Include with your travel supplies to have on hand during outdoor adventures.

Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex®

  • Take one capsule with food both morning and evening to provide soothing support to aching muscles and occasional discomfort.*

AromaTouch® Massage Blend

  • Add to Epsom salts and enjoy soaking in a hot bath.

  • Apply to neck, shoulders, and upper back.

  • Mix with a carrier oil and massage into targeted areas.

Massage Ball

  • Use as part of a massage with Deep Blue oil blend to increase relaxation.

Relief Kit 2

Congratulations on continuing your wellness journey!

By now, you’ll have noticed some differences from using essential oils and related products every day. This second kit will build on those benefits you’ve experienced already and take things to the next level.

Remember, these products are meant to be used every day. It’s the best way to maximize their benefits! Continue enjoying your products from month one and add this month special items into the routine.

We want to make your journey to relief as easy as possible, so here are some simple suggestions for using your collection so you can give your body the support it needs.

Deep Blue Rub

  • Apply to your muscles and joints before physical activity.

  • Massage into tired muscles for a cooling and warming sensation.

  • Use as part of an invigorating massage.

  • Apply to sore muscles and joints at the end of a long day.

Copaiba Softgels

  • Take a capsule at lunch and dinner for cardiovascular, immune, and nervous system support.*


  • Mix one to two drops with Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage for a warming and soothing massage after physical activity.

  • For a soothing bath, add one to two drops to warm bathwater.

Refillable Deep Blue Tube

  • Take Deep Blue Rub with you wherever you travel in this convenient, refillable tube.

Relief Kit 3

Welcome to the final kit of the Relief Wellness Program! This doesn’t actually have to be your last month of natural relief—the products you’ve been learning to use can keep arriving at your doorstep each month without you lifting a finger.

Okay, so you’ve now integrated a number of products into your routine. In this kit, we include a few more new products to add on that are designed to give your muscles and joints support as you push yourself to grow stronger and healthier.*

Here are some ways you can use these products to give your body the support it needs every day.

Deep Blue Soothing Blend

  • Apply to your muscles and joints before physical activity.

  • Apply one to two drops to your lower back for a soothing sensation throughout the workday.

  • Place a drop on the back of your neck before working out for a cooling sensation.

  • Have a friend or family member use an AromaTouch Technique® with Deep Blue when your hands are feeling stiff.
    Note: Make sure to wash your hands after application and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and other sensitive areas.

Turmeric Dual Chamber Capsules

  • Take one capsule with breakfast and another with dinner to support a healthy inflammatory response.*

PastTense® Tension Blend:

  • Apply to your wrists for support when traveling.

  • Keep on hand and apply to your neck for a calming feeling throughout the workday.

  • Use as part of a cooling, soothing massage—particularly on the shoulders, neck, and back.

10 mL Roller Bottles:

  • Perfect for blending, sharing, and enjoying your favorite DIY oil blends.

Fractionated Coconut Oil:

  • Mix with Deep Blue oil blend and massage into your neck and shoulders for deeper relaxation.

  • Use to dilute essential oils before applying them topically to lessen sensitivity.

Last but not least, Mind and Mood!


Mind & Mood Kit 1

Welcome to the Mind & Mood Wellness Program! This program contains powerful tools you can use to create an uplifting environment that helps you feel centered, no matter what life throws your way. With this kit, you don’t have to worry about picking the “right” products, because we’ve had leading essential oil experts do that part for you.

You’ll receive countless benefits from using your products consistently. As your mind and body become accustomed to the routines and self-care you’re offering through using these products, the results and effectiveness will become stronger. Daily use is the most effective way to maximize your benefits!

Ready to start? Here are ways to use your collection over the next 90 days to manage occasional stress and help your body rest easy.

Adaptiv® Capsules

  • Take each morning as part of your wakeup routine.

  • Ingest one capsule with food to help manage the effects of everyday stress and worry.*

  • Take each evening to help you prepare for rest.

doTERRA Balance® Grounding Blend

  • Massage one to two drops onto the bottoms of your feet to start the day.

  • Diffuse at home or in the office to set the tone for your afternoon.

  • End your day with a calming massage, using one to two drops. Add Adaptiv Touch for an extra boost.

  • Mix up to 10 drops with Epsom salt and add to a warm bath to help you unwind.

  • Diffuse to create a calming, grounding space during difficult times.

  • Incorporate into your yoga or meditation practice.

Adaptiv Touch

  • Rub onto your neck and wrists as you set your intentions and goals for the day.

  • Apply to your neck and temples.

  • Incorporate into an evening stretching routine, applying to your wrists and neck before beginning your practice.

  • Keep on hand to reapply throughout the day and remind yourself of your goals.

  • Apply to the bottoms of your feet before bed.

Natural Deodorant with doTERRA Balance

  • Use to absorb moisture and protect against odors, while also enjoying the calming aroma of doTERRA Balance.

Mind & Mood Kit 2

Congratulations on your progress through the Mind & Mood Wellness Program! The products in this kit are powerful tools that can help create an uplifting environment, so you feel centered, no matter what life throws your way.

Remember, these products are meant to be used every day. Using them consistently is the best way to experience their amazing benefits. Continue enjoying your products from month one and add this month’s special items into the routine.

Not sure where to start? Here are some items to use in your collection to manage occasional stress and help your body rest easy.

Adaptiv Calming Blend

  • Place a drop in your palm, cup your hands over your nose, and inhale throughout the day or as needed.

  • Have a friend or family member use an AromaTouch Technique® with Adaptiv or Lavender Touch to help you unwind after a challenging day.

  • Add three to five drops to salt dough that your children can play with, enjoying its calming and relaxing aroma.

  • Add a few drops with Epsom salts to a warm evening bath.

  • Diffuse in the morning to help set the tone for your day.

Wild Orange

  • Put one to two drops in a glass of water each morning to promote overall health.*

  • Diffuse throughout the day for a cheerful and uplifting aroma.

  • Place 10–15 drops in a spray of water and vinegar and use to wipe down surfaces in your kitchen and bathroom.

  • Add one to two drops to cotton balls and place them in shoes and gym bags to address challenging odors.

  • Use a few drops to refresh your favorite fruit salad recipe.

  • Include a couple drops with your smoothie or yogurt.

Lavender Touch

  • Apply to your temples and enjoy a calming and relaxing aroma.

  • Place behind your ears, on your earlobes, and under your nose to relax before bedtime.

  • Use to soothe minor skin irritations or blemishes—with the aroma also soothing your atmosphere.

  • Roll on the bottoms of your feet before bed.

  • Apply to pulse points like the wrists and neck, inside your elbows, and behind your knees.

Black Spruce

  • Apply to minor skin irritations as you get ready in the morning.

  • Combine with Lavender Touch and apply to any tired joints for soothing effects.

  • Blend with Wild Orange and diffuse for a refreshing start to your day.

Bath Salts

  • Add to a bath with your favorite oil for a relaxing and rejuvenating conclusion to your day.

Mind & Mood Kit 3

Welcome to the final month of the Mind & Mood Wellness Program! You’ve come so far! You’ve already added nine new products into your routine, and this kit includes a few more wonderful products designed to help you feel centered, balanced, and at peace.

These products are intended for everyday use, and to make it stress-free, we’ve got some simple suggestions for using your collection to manage occasional stress and help your body rest easy.


  • Place a drop in each corner of the shower before cleaning yourself or add to Epsom salts for a calming bath before bed.

  • Diffuse with Cedarwood to help you wind down for the evening.

  • Take a drop in a Veggie Cap or cup of tea to reduce anxious feelings.*

  • Add three to four drops to a warm rice heating pad and place on the back of your neck to enjoy its calming and grounding scent.

  • Add a few drops to your favorite baked goods recipe for a unique twist.


  • Add one to two drops to your moisturizer at the start of the day.

  • After a difficult day, diffuse to create a relaxing environment.

  • When a child wakes up scared in the night, apply to the bottoms of the feet to relax and soothe.

  • Add 10–15 drops to a DIY all-purpose cleaner.

Adaptiv Calming Mist

  • Use to revitalize the rooms in your house before having guests or family over.

  • Spray on the seats of your car before running errands.

  • Freshen your laundry by spaying on dryer balls or dryer sheets.

doTERRA Serenity® Linen Mist

  • Spritz on your bedding each evening for a fresh and relaxing aroma.

Citrus Bliss® Invigorating Blend

  • Place one to three drops on the cardboard tube in your toilet paper roll to freshen your bathroom throughout the day.

  • Add one to three drops to your collar or diffuser jewelry to smell throughout the day as needed.

  • Put a drop in your palm, cup over your mouth and nose with your hands, and inhale for a quick pick-me-up.

  • Diffuse for an uplifting environment.

  • Add 10–15 drops to a DIY all-purpose cleaner with a refreshing aroma.

doTERRA Balance Touch

  • Apply to the back of your neck for a calming aroma.

  • Keep on hand for its calming, tranquil aroma to counteract stressful moments, like during your daily commute.

  • Use as part of your yoga or mediation practice.

  • Roll on your pulse points or the bottoms of your feet in the evening.

  • Apply to the collar of your shirt to keep the aroma with you all day.

Mini Body Butter

  • Apply with your favorite oil to deeply moisturize your skin, while also promoting suppleness.

  • Use to dilute and increase the absorption of essential oils.


Have more questions? Check out doTERRA’s FAQ pages here.

Which one(s) will you sign up for? Which one(s) are you most excited to try?


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Oil Spotlight: Ylang Ylang


Hello October