Staying Positive & Fit

Isn’t this an interesting time that we are living in right now? How are you handling it?

We have good days and some days that are definitely a struggle. But we are learning to find the positive in this situation and enjoy our time together as a family.

One of the highlights of this time has been that I started running again. I ran cross country and track growing up and have always hoped that one of my kids would also fall in love with running. It’s looking like all 4 are starting to love it which is awesome. They ask me everyday what time we will be going for a run. They even make me run in the snow! And I’m excited that my middle son now wants to train for a race with me. The last race I ran was a half marathon when he was a baby! It feels good to be running again!

Have you started anything new since being home?


April Promos + Mother's Day Gift Set!


DIY Recipe: Produce Wash