Organizing the Oils...

This little guy here is my biggest helper for my business. Sometimes I think he knows more about essential oils than I do and he is always coming up with creative marketing tips for me to try. I’m pretty sure as soon as he turns 18, he will have his own account.

He also loves when I get new organizers for my oils! This one is cool because it holds all my extras. 🙌 It stores up to 180 bottles! Plus when adding more, you can easily put the new ones in the back so the older bottles remain in the front and get used first. Learn more by heading to Oil Life, and remember to use JDIBBLE5 to get $5 off your order!

And yes, I know he desperately needs a haircut. It’s been a while. 😂


7 Days of Essential Oil Mother’s Day Recipes


Cinco De Mayo Diffuser Blends