Happy Mother’s Day! We have exciting news!

Happy Mother’s Day!


Awww this was a bittersweet Mother’s Day for us. 😢 I have kept this kind of quiet...but we are MOVING!

This is the last week in our home. The home we have lived in for the last 9 years. When we moved in, Austin was 4, Adam was 3, and I was 9 months pregnant with Andrew. And we swore we were done having kids. Three years later, we were blessed with Alivia. ❤️ We have had so many sweet memories in this house and it will definitely be hard to say goodbye.


Ok so here is the story...in February we got this crazy idea to build a new home! We felt like we had outgrown this home and the timing felt right because the housing market was hot in Colorado. We started to get our house ready to sell and planned to put it on the market on March 28th. On March 26th, a Stay At Home order started in Colorado! Luckily real estate was considered essential, so we trusted that everything would work out and listed our house as planned. Five days later we had a full price offer! 🙏 We are so grateful that it all worked out.


This week we are moving into a rental house and will live there for a few months while our Dream Home is being built. We can’t wait to create many new memories in our new home. I hope you all had a beautiful Mother’s Day. There is so much to be grateful for this year. ❤️


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