Essential Oils for Women

Valentine’s Day is on Friday! Are yōu ready?

I thought this would be the perfect time to share my favorite essential oil rollers for Women! If you have a favorite, share with me!

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Clary Calm - this women’s blend can be used daily or as needed throughout the month to help with hormone balancing, cramps, mood swings, and hot flashes.
Passion - this warm and spicy “inspiring” blend ignites feelings of excitement, passion 😍, and joy.
Rose - the “queen of oils”, can be used for emotional balance, libido boost, monthly discomfort, and on skin imperfections.
Neroli - many women swear that this as the go-to oil for getting in the mood. It also helps with stress, anxious feelings, hormone balancing, childbirth, and pregnancy.
Lavender - eases feelings of tension, calms, and relaxes.
Jasmine - use for monthly moods, low libido, fertility, anxious feelings, and even fine lines! It also makes a great perfume.

This oil holder is from Oil Life.


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