Essential Oils for Procrastination

There’s an oil for pretty much everything. Even procrastination! 😂 Trust me, I am the queen of procrastination and this time of year is the worst! I love the holidays, but when it comes to getting everything done on time it's a huge struggle for me. So today I am extra thankful for my oils and also for Amazon Prime!

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So which oils are great for procrastination??

Grapefruit, Rosemary, and Peppermint!! They can be used alone or together.

 💧 Grapefruit - this is a great one for motivation and focus. It’s a citrus oil, so it’s also uplifting to the mood.

💧 Rosemary - one of my favorite oils for mental fatigue and focus. It’s a great one to diffuse when you need to get stuff done!

💧 Peppermint - this oil is very invigorating making it perfect for alertness and energy. It will also help with head tension you may get from shopping.

My favorite way to use these is to add a drop in my hand, rub my palms together, and take a deep breath! I also like to diffuse the three together in the Volo diffuser. I just add two drops of each and let it run all day!

 If you are ready to get some essential oils in your home, be sure to check out the current specials and starter kits! I also provide a welcome gift and continued support to all my wholesale customers!

 Happy Holidays Friends!


Hormonal Wreck Roller


Candy Cane Diffuser Blend