School is Closed

Can you guess which one of us is more excited about the schools closing and my kids being home?

How are you surviving all the craziness of the world right now?

I headed out and got groceries today and now am home with my family. Schools are closed along, and sports and extra activities are on hold for a whiles. Oh and did I mention it’s snowing again! 🤦🏻‍♀️ This should be fun. I will be using these two rollers non-stop. Balance and Serenity are my mom oils. They work great for calming both me and my little ones! Working from home with 4 kids is not easy. 😬 But I’m looking forward to the extra cuddles and movie nights. I also plan to do a couple puzzles and read some books! And I’m praying Pure Barre doesn’t close.

Have a great weekend friends! Stay safe out there!


Diffuser Blend - Happy & Focused


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